Risk Management for Outdoor Programs

Strategic Improvement Plan Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help Risk Management for Outdoor Programs course participants translate their learning experience into an effective, customized action plan for their outdoor organization. It can be customized or adapted as needed.

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Step 1: Where Are You Going?

Describe the organization’s over-arching risk management goal or goals. This can be in narrative format, list format, or in the form of a Risk Management Mission Statement.

Step 2: How Will You Get There?

A. Strategic Issue Identification

Identify where you are starting from, and the gaps between that and where you want to be. Use self-assessment questionnaires, staff & stakeholder discussions, and any relevant pre-existing safety reports/documents as appropriate.

What are key improvement opportunities, if any, with respect to managing risks in each of these risk domains?

Organizational Culture
Activities and Program Areas
Business Administration

What are key improvement opportunities, if any, with the use of these risk management instruments?

Risk Transfer
Incident Management
Incident Reporting
Incident Reviews
Risk Management Committee
Medical Screening
Risk Management Reviews
Media Relations
Seeing Systems
What are barriers that might impede progress in reaching safety aims? These can include, for example, resource constraints, cultural or political barriers, or change management issues.

B. Goals, Objectives & Action Plan to Address Strategic Issues

  • For each strategic issue (regarding risk domains, risk management instruments, or barriers to change), or for just the top few, what broad goals should be set to resolve the issue? (That is, what is the overall solution?)
  • For each goal, what are the specific objectives to be met? (That is, what are the specific, measurable elements of the solution?)
  • Action Plan: for each objective, who is responsible, and what is the target completion date?

Use additional space as needed.

Strategic Issue: We don’t regularly assess contractors before hire, or regularly evaluate their performance

Goal:Assess contractors prior to hire & regularly thereafter

Objectives Person Responsible Completion Timeline
1. Develop screening questionnaire; send to all prospective contractors before hire Ava Before next season
2. Instruct contractors to fill out questionnaire annually Ava Before next season
3. Review questionnaire results & follow up Linn Before offering contract

Strategic Issue 1
Objective 1
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 2
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 3
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline

Strategic Issue 2
Objective 1
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 2
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 3
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline

Strategic Issue 3
Objective 1
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 2
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline
Objective 3
Person Responsible
Completion Timeline

Step 3: How Will You Know When You’ve Arrived?

What is your specific approach for implementing the plan, regularly monitoring results against goals and objectives, and then making adjustments as needed?